How to share posts as image posts to social accounts

Revive Social comes with Media Sharing capabilities that allow you to share images from your media library to social media. However, it's also possible to share your posts as image posts instead of article posts.

📝 Note: You will need to use your own API keys to access this feature. For more instructions on how to configure this, please refer to the documentation available here.

To ensure posts share as standalone images instead of article posts check the "Post with Image" option on the Post Format tab for the account where you wish to have standalone image posts:

The result (with Post with Link option also checked), clicking on the image would not open a link to the website, it would instead open on the social network:

Leaving this option unchecked would share the post to your social accounts as an Article post where clicking anywhere on the post preview would open the link to your website, example: 

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