How to Update your PHP version

Revive Social requires at least PHP 7.4 to function properly at this time. You will not be able to install our plugin if you do not meet this requirement.

Not updating to a recent version of PHP leaves your website and server open to security exploits, we highly recommend that you update as soon as possible. If your web host does not agree to update the PHP for your website (which is unlikely) then we advise switching hosts! You will run into more future issues than just with our plugin if you do not upgrade your PHP version. 

See here for some of the Best Web Hosts for your website.

NOTE: Create a backup of your website before performing any of the methods below.

Video Tutorial:

Text Tutorial:

Method 1.

Contact your web host to perform the upgrade for you. Simply tell them that you'd like to update your PHP version to the latest one or at least PHP 7.4

Method 2.

If you're using Cpanel then you can easily change your PHP version from the options. Start by logging into your Cpanel account and locate the setting called " PHP Selector"

From this option, select your desired PHP version (we recommend at least 7.4)

Click Update and your PHP version will be updated.

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