Getting Started With Revive Network

IMPORTANT: Both the Revive Social and Revive Social Pro Add-on need to be active for the Revive Network to work.

Installation and Activation

Step 1: From your WordPress Dashboard > Revive Social > Addons

If you already purchased this add-on, download Revive Network directly from your Purchase History where you downloaded the Revive Social Pro Add-on, here.

Click on the Download button. This will usually be saved in your computer's Downloads folder.

Step 2: Go back to the WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add new.

Step 3: Click on Upload Plugin and locate the zip file of the Revive Network plugin you downloaded.

Step 4: Install and activate the plugin.

IMPORTANT! From your plugin list, please make sure that these three plugins are active,

Step 1: Once the plugin is installed and activated, you will now see two more options under ROP Settings.

Step 2: From your WordPress Dashboard > Revive Social > DashboardGeneral Settings
Under the Post Types setting, add the RSS Feeds Items so all imported posts from your feed URL will be shared by our plugin to your social media accounts.
Click Save.

Step 3: Still on your WordPress Dashboard, go to Revive Old Posts > RSS Settings
Run through each setting and customize it to your preference. Below is the list of settings and their brief description:

How often should Revive Network import new feed items?
- this is the frequency of how often should the cron run to get new feeds.

Number of feeds items to import.
- this is your preferred number of feeds every import

Delete feed item post after it has been shared.
- enabling this will delete the feed item from your website after it has been shared to your social media accounts. This will also delete the featured image imported with the post (if available) from your media library when the feed item post has been deleted.

Check feed item content for an image.
-  this will pull the first image set in the feed item content  if one exists and set that as the feature image for the post being imported if no featured image is available.

Use custom UTM tags
- this will overwrite the UTM tags set in Revive Old Posts in favor of a unique one for RSS feed post shares.

Clear past imported feeds
- this will not delete the currently imported feed items but instead purges their records from the database allowing you to re-import previously imported items if they still exist in the RSS feed.

Import new feed items now
- this will mport feed items now without needing to wait for the schedule to hit. 

Delete all plugin settings on uninstall
- this will delete all Revive Network's settings if the plugin is deleted.

Step 4: After you're done with the settings, click on Add Feed button.
Create your own Feed Name and enter your Feed URL.
You may click the checkbox for Download images if you prefer that.
Click on Save Changes button.

Step 5: On the same page, click on Import Now button.

Step 6: Click on RSS Feed Items on the left panel. You should now see the list of posts imported from

That's it. You just have to wait when the imported feeds will be shared to your social media account. 

Revive Network is an add-on plugin for Revive Social that you can use to share content from other websites using RSS Feeds. 

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